My work "Taste of Play Biting" is going to be exhibitted in art festival "MAT - Mihara Arte en el Templo", be held in Mihara, Hiroshima, Japan, 2014/12/5 - 12/7.
MAT is an art group exhibition curated by artist Hiroshi Shimamura, that was hold at 4 places, an old Japanese house "Yamawaki Tei" that was builed in 1926, and 2 temples "Koujaku-Ji" and "Shuko-Ji", also "Engawa Salon Iroha" in Mihara, Hiroshima. My work is going to be exhibitted in the second floor of "Yamawaki Tei" with other artists Victor Castillo, Salva Tvboy, Muy Pop. I'm so honored that I could participate in this festival with such those great artists. If you have a chance to be there, please see my new photo work there.