Nov 1, 2015
Moscow International Foto Awards 2015
One of my work "Bliss" has received Honorable Mention, at Moscow International Foto Awards 2015. #Award #Moscow #Russia...

Oct 4, 2015
International Photography Awards 2015
One of my work "Fundance" has received Honorable Mention, at International Photography Awards 2015. #USA #InternationalPhotographyAwards...

Jun 23, 2015
PX3, Prix De La Photographie Paris 2015
I've received 2 Honorable Mentions. at "PX3, Prix De La Photographie Paris 2015". I participated in Professional Category. "Hushabye...

May 18, 2015
A Celebration of Art and Music
I’m excited to announce “A Celebration of Art and Music” to you, related to "The Billboard Creative" in Hollywood that I participated few...

May 11, 2015
White Color Trilogy, Photography Competition, 2015
I've received Honorable Mention with my work "The Gentle Rain" at, “White Color Trilogy, Photography Competition, 2015”, tribute to...

Apr 20, 2015
The Billboard Creative, Q1 Show
My photograph "The Shadow of Your Tenderness" is selected by "The Billboard Creative" in Los Angeles, and is going to be exhibitted in...

Dec 2, 2014
MAT on Newspaper
On 2014/12/3, Chugoku-Shinbun, the Newspaper published in Chugoku area as Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Shimane, Japana, ran an article of Art...

Nov 21, 2014
MAT - Mihara Arte en el Templo
My work "Taste of Play Biting" is going to be exhibitted in art festival "MAT - Mihara Arte en el Templo", be held in Mihara, Hiroshima,...