"The Long Goodbye" - 2016

Whole Picture of "The Long Goodbye"
- Basic Concept
The concept for my work, "The Long Goodbye" is inspired by the novel of the same name, written by Raymond Chandler in 1953. The protagonist of my story is again, Philip Marlowe, played by Elliott Gould in the film adaptation of the novel, directed by Robert Altman in 1973.
First, I wrote my original story which was inspired by the novel and film, then I made the following story with the series of photographs. The story starts from Marlowe's room. There are a cat and a little bird. He might look up the clock on the wall, and look down the street from the window. On the outside, the man is walking with umbrella, and he might find a suspicious car is parking there. The viewer can put themselves into reconstructed new Marlowe's world by both looking at the photos and reading the story. Some elements in the photos, such as the car, bird and clock are represented in the film and novel as well.
- Developed Concept in Music
I made "The Long Goodbye" with the Basic Concept in 2015. Then I developed its concept and structure to be more interesting in way of music and story structure for installation in 2016.
This installation work is consisted by the mix of 5, 7, 8, 10 inches photos. It is also installation art, like a visual reproduction of the musical score "The Long Goodbye", the theme song by John Williams for the same titled film. The position of photos are imitation of melody of the song and the bass line I arranged, and each photo sizes correspond to each note durations on the score. With this way, I tried to approach to "The Long Goodbye" from musical aspect.
• • •
本作 "The Long Goodbye" は、1953 年にレイモンド・チャンドラーが発表した同名のハードボイルド小説に触発された作品である。物語の舞 台はロサンゼルス、主人公は 私立探偵のフィリップ・マーロウ。1973 年にロバート・アルトマン監督によって映画化された際には、エリオット・ グールドがマーロウを演じた。
まず、小説を着想にイントロダクションとなるオリジナル・ストーリーを書き上げ、次に、その続きを写真によって表現した。ストーリーは、フィ リップ・マーロウの部屋から始まる。室内には小鳥と猫がいる。部屋の中を見上げれば時計があり、部屋の窓から下を覗けば歩道には傘をさし た人が歩いている。車道には車が一台。鑑賞者は短いイントロ・ストーリーを読みつつこれらの写真を見る事で、新たに再構築された "The Long Goodbye" の世界を体験する。写真に映る幾つかの主題(車や小鳥、猫など)は同名映画・小説でも見ることができる。
-コンセプト改編 - 音楽的アプローチ
2015年にベーシック・コンセプトを元に "The Long Goodbye" を制作。その後、2016年にコンセプトを音楽的、ストーリー的に改編した。
インスタレーションは、長辺がそれぞれ 5, 7, 8, 10 インチの写真によって構成されている。写真の配置は、ジョン・ウィリアムスが映画のために作曲したメイン・ テーマ "The Long Goodbye" を視覚的に再現するインスタレーションとなっている。その為、写真配置が一見ランダムに見えるが、そのテーマ・ ソングのメロディー・ラインと独自に編曲したベース・ラインを表している。5, 7, 8, 10 インチの写真はそれぞれ 八分、四分、付点四分、二分 音符の音価に対応している。このような手法をとることで、音楽面からも "The Long Goodbye" にアプローチすることを試みた。

Story Structure

4 Stories & 1 Symbol
- Developed Concept in Story Structure
Also this work can be divided by 4 chapters "The Long Goodbye", "Taste of Play Biting", "Inseparable" and "Intimacy", also it has the symbol of this work "The Shadow of Your Tenderness" as finale. Each chapter has short introduction story and photographs as story board, except "The Shadow of Your Tenderness". It expresses sporadic happenings in the city, these happenings are not related, but it could make more larger and complicated story by connecting each other, like a real city in our life.
• • •
-コンセプト改編 - ストーリー構造
またこの新たなコンセプトでは、オムニバス映画のような形式をとっており、"The Long Goodbye", "Taste of Play Biting", "Inseparable", "Intimacy" という4 つのストーリー作品、1つのシンボル作品である "The Shadow of Your Tenderness" から成り立っている。4つのストーリー作品は、それぞれが短いイントロ・ストーリーとストーリー・ボードとしての写真を持ち、1つの街を舞台に散発的に起きている出来事を表現している。それぞれのストーリーは互いに無関係であるが、より大きな枠組みとしてそれらが絡み合う事により、現実的な都市生活用の様に複雑で大きな "The Long Goodbye" という1つの世界を構成している。"The Shadow of Your Tendernss" だけがストーリーを持たない単体写真であるが、"The Long Goodbye" 全体に対するシンボルとして結末を締めくくるべく中央に位置している。
- Chapters and Stories
Chapter I
- "The Long Goodbye"
The room is cold and hollow. The silence feels like emptiness.
I barely notice the faint sounds of rain and the second hand of the clock.
I sit on the floor as sunlight slips through the window.
I turn on the radio. Music fills the room.
There's a gentle knock at the door.
It sounds so soft.
(Photo No.01 - 12)
Chapter II
- "Inseparable"
That day, I could not bear to wait any longer. I had to leave that place.
I could not stand to see what I had done - it was much too cruel, and I did not want to be there to witness him see it.
Once in a while, I remember the things that happened that day, consciously placing them back in my memory.
Yet, whenever I stop to remember good things, that day resurfaces in my memory too.
(Photo No.13 - 25)
Chapter III
- "Intimacy"
After blinking, every once in a while I could see something just after the moment I opened my lid.
The things could be a shadow of thing I hadn't seen,
could be frightful chunk of something, or sweet old scenery
But I always couldn't find the meaning of it at that time.
Those things crossed before my eyes, and sneaked into my heart slowly.
(Photo No.26 - 39)
Chapter IV
- "Taste of Play Biting"
And, bathed in city lights, he let his thoughts wander while gazing at the oozing bite.
If ugliness or beauty, old age or youth can cause us to make mistakes, how can we truly forgive,
while staying true to the roots that we might still cherish at the back of our minds, even now?
Or should we let bygones be bygones and view such a thing as one of the many bitter,
insignificant happenings of life,
and allow it to fade from our memory?
(Photo No.40 - 52)
"The Shadow of Your Tenderness"
Symbolic Work
(Photo No.53)
• • •
"The Long Goodbye"
(Photo No.01 - 12)
Chapter II
(Photo No.13 - 25)
Chapter III
瞬きをしたすぐ後、 瞼を開けたその瞬間に何かが見える事があるの。
(Photo No.26 - 39)
Chapter IV
"Taste of Play Biting"
そして、街のひかりを浴び、 滲む傷口を見つめながら彼は考えた。
(Photo No.40 - 52)
"The Shadow of Your Tenderness"
(Photo No.53)
Opus Number
"The Long Goodbye"
1/53 - 20150816-1
2/53 - 20150720-2
3/53 - 20150714-1
4/53 - 20150122-1
5/53 - 20150812-1
6/53 - 20151119-1
7/53 - 20150517-1
8/53 - 20140913-1
9/53 - 20151023-1
10/53 - 20151225-1
11/53 - 20150506-1
12/53 - 20160417-1
13/53 - 20150227-1
14/53 - 20140418-1
15/53 - 20150904-1
16/53 - 20141121-1
17/53 - 20140410-2
18/53 - 20160121-1
19/53 - 20150120-1
20/53 - 20160309-1
21/53 - 20160311-1
22/53 - 20160116-2
23/53 - 20160227-1
24/53 - 20141123-1
25/53 - 20160127-1
26/53 - 20151227-1
27/53 - 20150113-2
28/53 - 20151214-1
29/53 - 20140829-1
30/53 - 20160125-1
31/53 - 20151111-1
32/53 - 20151114-2
33/53 - 20151204-1
34/53 - 20150426-1
35/53 - 20141005-1
36/53 - 20150110-1
37/53 - 20140726-2
38/53 - 20150331-1
39/53 - 20140725-1
"Taste of Play Biting"
40/53 - 20151230-1
41/53 - 20150516-1
42/53 - 20160310-2
43/53 - 20150418-1
44/53 - 20160326-1
45/53 - 20151103-1
46/53 - 20150117-1
47/53 - 20151202-2
48/53 - 20150410-1
49/53 - 20160104-1
50/53 - 20141030-1
51/53 - 20150329-1
52/53 - 20140325-1
"The Shadow of Your Tenderness"
53/53 - 20141113-1
Installation Edition
Sizes varies by each photos, based on 5, 7, 8, 10" on horizontal side.
Pictorico Gekko Silver Label, on 5mm Gatorform Board
Edition of 5
Price - ask
- Exhibited at "Pairing : Art & Sake" at Gallery Lara Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN, 2017/9/26 - 10/1
- Exhibited at "6th Emon Award, 8 Finalists Exhibition" at Photo Gallery Emon, Tokyo, JAPAN, 2017/2/18 - 2/25
- Exhibited at "7e Rendez-Vous Image" at Palais des Congres, Strasbourg, FRANCE, 2017/1/27 - 1/29
- Exhibited at "El Largo Adios" at CEART Tecate, Tecate, MEXICO, 2016/7/29 - 9/3
- Exhibited at "Photo Independent 2016", Los Angeles, U.S.A., 2016/4/29 - 5/1