"8e Rendez-Vous Image, Livre Photo"


Individual Flyer for Photo Award

Individual Flyer for Book Award

"24H en Alsace" on Alsace 20, 2018/1/23

"Les DNA", 2018/1/28

"France Blue Alsace", 2018/1

My work "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" at the venuue

Another view

Billboard at the station of Strasbourg
My work "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" was shown at Photo Festival "8e Rendez-Vous Image -Expo Photo Livre Photo" in Strasbourg, France, from 26th to 28th January, 2018. Also my first book "Innuendo" made with artist Kio Griffith in Los Angeles, took part in its Book Award as well. It was so sad I couldn't be there, but thank you for visiting and enjoying my photos and the photo book, also other photographers' great works there.
Photo Festival Name
"8e Rendez-Vous Image"
Palais de La Musique et des Congres (PMC)
- Place de Bordeaux, 67082 Strasbourg, FRANCE
- +33-3-88-37-67-67
- 2018/1/26 - 1/28
Public Hours
- 2017/1/26
- 18:00 - 21:00
- 2017/1/27
- 10:00 - 21:00
- 2017/1/28
- 10:00 - 19:00
- "24H en Alsace" on Alsace 20
- 2018/1/23
- "Les DNA"
- 2018/1/28
- 2018/1
- Rendez-Vous Image
- "24H en Alsace" on Alsace 20
- Les DNA
Page on Facebook
- Rendez-Vous Image
- Les DNA