"Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"
Whole Picture of "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"
Lately, there is something that I can’t stop thinking about.
I wonder, do we create images of others based on our own desires and fears,
just to affirm our prejudices? And do these images make us take action that relies on these illusions?
If we believe in our illusions, it’s impossible to discover the truth.
For example, look at the guy walking on the street. He looks bored and grumpy. That’s my impression.
Even if I could create an image of him, I wouldn’t actually know who he is, where he’s from, or what he’s thinking, right?
So, we have to abandon our illusions and discover the truth about him instead.
If the truth is entirely different than our illusions, we may just lead ourselves to a better place.
Of course, some people will lie and scheme in order to hide the truth.
How would we feel if we believed a lie, but in the process, also overcame our selfish desires and fears as a result?
Perhaps, believing might be something like having a dream that you don’t wake up from.
And in fact, we were happy.
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- Concept of "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"
The concept for my work, "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" is inspired by the novel of the same name, written by John le Carré in 1974. The protagonist of my story is, MI6 agent Bill Haydon, played by Colin Firth in the film adaptation of the novel, directed by Tomas Alfredson in 2011.
First, I wrote my original story which was inspired by the novel and film, then I made the following story with the series of photographs. The idea of my story came from my imagination, about Haydon's skeptical feeling and his question to his mission and the society. Before he betrayed his country by turning to be a KGB double agent in U.S.S.R, perhaps he might have small conversation with his best friend or family, about his doubtful feeling to the society. But the conversation might not be so clear, to avoid to be realized his real feeling by others. While my written story tells about his real feelings, my photographic storyboard tells his ordinal days as a double agent in MI6 in London. The viewer can put themselves into reconstructed new Haydon's world by both looking at the photos and reading the story, from both of his real emotion and his ordinnal days. Some elements in the photos, such as the car, the rotary dial phone and the headphones are represented in the film and novel as well. Also, the photos of the Ferris wheel and the big tent are the symbol of "Circus", which is the code name for MI6, in the film and novel.
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- コンセプト
本作 "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" は、1974年にジョン・ル・カレが発表した同名のスパイ小説に触発された作品である。物語の舞台はロンドン、MI6で働く諜報員の1人であるビル・ヘイドンの裏切りを描いたストーリーで、2011年にトーマス・アルフレッドソン監督によって映画化された際には、コリン・ファースがヘイドンを演じた。まず、小説を着想にイントロダクションとなるオリジナル・ストーリーを書き上げ、次に、その続きを写真によって表現した。ストーリーはヘイドンが抱いていたであろう、諜報員としての仕事や社会に疑問をベースとし、新たに書き上げた。ヘイドンがソ連のKGBの二重スパイとして働き始める前、恐らく彼は、彼の疑問を仄めかす様な会話を、彼の親友や家族と交わしていたであろう。しかし、その会話は明快ではなかったはずである、彼の真意を人に知られる事を避ける為にである。このストーリーが彼の本当の感情を表現している一方で、写真から成るストーリーボードでは、MI6で二重スパイである諜報員として働く、彼のロンドンでの日常を描いている。鑑賞者はストーリーを読みつつこれらの写真を見る事で、新たに再構築された "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" の世界を体験する。写真に映る幾つかの主題(車や古い黒電話、ヘッドフォンなど)は同名映画・小説でも見ることができる。また観覧車や巨大テントの写真は、同名映画・小説に於いてMI6で使用されているKGBのコードネーム「サーカス」を象徴している。
Musical Structure
- Musical Concept of "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy"
This work is consisted by the mix of 6, 8, 10, 11.5 inches’ photos. It is also installation art, like a visual reproduction of the musical score "La Mer" (English title is "Beyond the sea") composed by Charles Trenét and sung by Julio Iglesias in 1976, which is featured as the theme song for the same titled film. The positions of photos are imitation of melody of the song and the bass line I arranged, and each 6, 8, 10, 11.5 inches’ photos correspond to 8th, 4th, 2nd and whole notes in the score. Some of photos are protruded from the wall by mounting on thick foamboard with bocks bases, which has 13, 23, 43, 63mm thickness, while others are mounted on 8mm foamboard. These protruded photos mean longer notes like dotted or triplet notes than normal notes. Also, I tried to express musical expressions "Crescendo and Diminuendo" with making steps, using by these different thick bases from 5mm to 63mm. With this way, I tried to approach to "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" from musical aspect.
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また本作は、長辺がそれぞれ 6, 8, 10, 11.5 インチの写真によって構成されている。写真の配置はシャルル・トレネが作曲し、1976年にフリオ・イグレシアスが歌った "La Mer" (英題 "Beyond The Sea") を視覚的に再現するインスタレーションとなっている。この歌は同名映画においてテーマソングとして扱われている。写真の配置はこの歌のメロディー・ラインと、独自に編曲したベース・ラインを表しており、6, 8, 10, 11.5 インチの写真はそれぞれ 八分、四分、二分、全音符の音価に対応している。大体の写真は 5mm 厚のフォームボードにマウントされているが、幾つかの写真は 13, 23, 43, 63mm の厚みのボードやそれを支える土台を持ち、壁から立体的に飛び出している。これらの飛び出している写真は、付点音符や三連符の様に通常の音符より長い音符を意味しており、また、この段階的な厚みを利用することで、クレッシェンドとディミヌエンドと言った音楽的な表現の再現を試みた。このような手法をとることで、音楽面からも "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" にアプローチしている。
Opus Number
Chapter I
1/52 - 20160407-1
2/52 - 20160611-2
3/52 - 20151121-1
4/52 - 20160124-1
5/52 - 20150706-1
6/52 - 20160606-1
7/52 - 20160407-1
8/52 - 20151121-1
9/52 - 20170126-1
10/52 - 20170107-1
11/52 - 20160929-1
12/52 - 20160724-1
13/52 - 20141116-1
Chapter II
14/52 - 20160807-1
15/52 - 20170207-1
16/52 - 20151115-1
17/52 - 20141118-2
18/52 - 20141117-1
19/52 - 20141121-1
20/52 - 20161008-1
21/52 - 20161010-1
22/52 - 20161101-2
23/52 - 20161116-1
24/52 - 20160828-1
25/52 - 20161229-1
26/52 - 20170227-1
Chapter III
27/52 - 20160816-2
28/52 - 20161204-1
29/52 - 20170301-1
30/52 - 20160829-1
31/52 - 20160811-1
32/52 - 20161225-2
33/52 - 20170222-1
34/52 - 20170307-1
35/52 - 20160830-1
36/52 - 20170121-1
37/52 - 20150210-2
38/52 - 20150214-1
39/52 - 20160531-1
Chapter IV
40/52 - 20160709-1
41/52 - 20170206-1
42/52 - 20170305-2
43/52 - 20170207-1
44/52 - 20150221-1
45/52 - 20161121-1
46/52 - 20161115-1
47/52 - 20161227-2
48/52 - 20161111-1
49/52 - 20161205-1
50/52 - 20170111-1
51/52 - 20160226-1
52/52 - 20150527-1
Installation Edition
- Sizes varies by each photos, based on 6, 8, 10, 11.5" on horizontal side.
- Pictorico Gekko Silver Label
- Mounted on 5 or 13mm Gatorform board, or 23, 43, 63mm foam board.
- Edition of 5
- Price - ask
- Exhibitions
- "Photo Independent 2017", Los Angeles, U.S.A., 2017/4/21 - 4/23
- "Extramurs", Docks Village Marseille, Marseille, FRANCE, 2017/10/20 -11/4
- "8e Rendez-Vous Image -Expo Photo Livre Photo", Palais de La Musique et des Congres , Strasbourg, FRANCE, 2018/1/26 -1/28
- "Dai Ito Solo Exhibition, Innuendo", Gallery Lara Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN, 2018/2/2 -2/18
- "Annual Gala for the Alliance Française de Los Angeles", Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, U.S.A., 2018/11/10