
"Futurish 1"

"Futurish 2 - 7"
(Left to Right)

"Futurish 8 - 13"
(Left to Right)

"Futurish 14 - 15"
(Left to Right)

"Futurish 16 - 24"
(Left to Right)


Special Book for the exhibition "Futurish"
For these years, "The Image of the Future" has always been blurred with our anxious feelings about various happenings. No, to tell the truth, that's not accurate. Since a long time ago, "The Image of the Future" was always blurred by reflecting reality at different times. Moreover, the concept that "The Image of the Future" could reflect reality is doubtful. It's not easy to ascertain the truth for us; also, it is too hard for us to face up to "The Image of the Future", which reflects cruel reality.
So, what did "The Image of the Future" reflect actually? Although it seems "The Image of the Future" could reflect reality, sometimes it was too far from the actual future. Because sometimes, it was distorted by emphasizing particular matters too much, or it was like Utopia with so much optimism. We always feel "The Anxious about the Future" at the bottom of the unrealistic "The Image of the Future". The difference between various "The Image of the Future" was the result of the difference in how our anxiety was actualized. Like the difference between optimistic and pessimistic, for instance. So, perhaps, "The Image of the future" wasn't a reflection of reality, but it was "Something Futurish", reflecting our anxiety about the future.
"Something Futurish" is mysterious but realistic; sometimes, it lets our despair with a chaotic world, and sometimes, it proposes a beautiful world like a paradise. For better or worse, we've been fascinated by the "something Futurish" which came from our anxiety. Also, we regarded it as an alarm bell or hope for our future, and sometimes we accepted it as our life styles. In other words, even if it doesn't reflect reality, our "Something Futurish" always has full of possibilities since it is blurred by our anxiety.
"Choose your future" - Trainspotting
• • •
では、その「未来像」とは何を反映していたのか? 現実を反映しているように見えた「未来像」ではあったが、特定の事象を強調してディストピアのように歪んでいたり、或いは過剰なほど楽観的なユートピアになっていたりと、現実の未来とは大きくかけ離れていた。思うに、これらの非現実的な「未来像」の根底にあるのは、我々が常に抱いている「未来に対する不安」ではないだろうか。多種多様な「未来像」の違いは、その不安が悲観的、或いは、楽観的な形で顕在化するかの違いでしかないように思える。「未来像」は現実を反映した像ではなく、未来に対して感じている不安を反映した「未来 "っぽい" 何か」だったのだろう。
ミステリアスだがリアリティーがあり、ある時は混沌とした世界観で我々を絶望させ、またある時は楽園のような世界を提示してくれていた「未来 "っぽい" 何か」。良くも悪くも、我々は自らが抱く不安から生じる「未来 ”っぽい" 何か」に魅了され、将来への警鐘や希望として捉え、時にはライフ・スタイルとして追い掛けて来たのである。言い換えれば、現実を反映していないとしても、我々の「未来 ”っぽい" 何か」は不安と共にブレているが故に、常に無限の可能性に満ちている。
"Choose your future" - Trainspotting
The solo exhibition "Futurish" was a sort of experimental photo work exhibition. The works were modified and manipulated, like design works, silk screening, and acrylic paintings.
All works have acrylic paint on the photograph itself, and some pieces have another layer of acrylic paint dots on an acrylic plate with silk screening. Also, some works have a sticker layer. The papers are special paper made by Pictorico, a Japanese fine art photo paper company. It has particular metallic gold or blue colour on its bases, and once it receives the intense direct light, the reflections shine gold and blue.
- 2021.7.6
Work Details
"Futurish, 1"
- Image Size
- 11" x 13.357"
- Mixed Media
- Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Blue & Pictorico Opaque Film
- Acrylic Paint, Screen Printing, Cut-out Sticker, Acrylic Plate
- Original Wrok Only
- Availability
- "Futurish, 1" : Available
- Price
- Please ask me by email
"Futurish, 2-7"
- Image Size
- 2.75" x 11"
- Mixed Media
- Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Gold
- Acrylic Paint
- Original Wrok Only
- Availability
- "Futurish, 2" : SOLD OUT
- "Futurish, 3" : Available
- "Futurish, 4" : SOLD OUT
- "Futurish, 5" : Available
- "Futurish, 6" : Available
- "Futurish, 7" : Available
- Price
- Please ask me by email
"Futurish, 8-13"
- Image Size
- 18" x 9"
- Mixed Media
- Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Gold
- "Futurish 8, 9, 11, 12, 13" : Acrylic Paint, Screen Printing, Acrylic Plate
- "Futurish, 10" : Acrylic Paint
- Original Wrok Only
- Availability
- "Futurish, 8" : SOLD OUT
- "Futurish, 9" : Available
- "Futurish, 10" : Available
- "Futurish, 11" : Available
- "Futurish, 12" : Available
- "Futurish, 13" : SOLD OUT
- Price
- Please ask me by email
"Futurish, 14 - 15"
- Image Size
- 24" x 30"
- Mixed Media
- "Futurish, 14" : Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Blue
- "Futurish, 15" : Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Gold
- Acrylic Paint, Screen Printing, Cut-out Sticker, Acrylic Plate
- Original Wrok Only
- Availability
- "Futurish, 14" : Available
- "Futurish, 15" : SOLD OUT
- Price
- Please ask me by email
"Futurish, 16, 20, 23" (Colour 3 Pieces)
- Image Size
- 18" x 24"
- Mixed Media
- "Futurish, 16, 23" : Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Gold
- "Futurish, 20" : Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Blue
- Acrylic Paint, Screen Printing, Acrylic Plate
- Original Wrok Only
- Availability
- "Futurish, 16" : Available
- "Futurish, 20" : SOLD OUT
- "Futurish, 23" : Available
- Price
- Please ask me by email
"Futurish, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24" (B&W Works)
- Image Size
- "Futurish, 17, 19, 24"
- 12" x 12"
- "Futurish, 18, 21, 22"
- 9" x 10"
- Mixed Media
- Pigment Print on Pictorico Pro Shinny Blue
- "Futurish, 18 : Acrylic Paint
- "Futurish, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24" : Acrylic Paint, Screen Printing, Acrylic Plate
- Original Wrok Only
- Availability
- "Futurish, 17" : Available
- "Futurish, 18" : Available
- "Futurish, 19" : SOLD OUT
- "Futurish, 21" : SOLD OUT
- "Futurish, 22" : Available
- "Futurish, 24" : Available
- Price
- Please ask me by email