"The Long Goodbye" - 2015






©2015 Dai Ito - All rights reserved.
The room is cold and hollow. The silence feels like emptiness.
I barely notice the faint sounds of rain and the second hand of the clock.
I sit on the floor as sunlight slips through the window.
I turn on the radio. Music fills the room.
There's a gentle knock at the door.
It sounds so soft.
- Concept
The concept for my work, "The Long Goodbye,” is inspired by the novel of the same name, written by Raymond Chandler in 1953. The protagonist of my story is again, Philip Marlowe, played by Elliott Gould in the film adaptation of the novel, directed by Robert Altman in 1973.
To create this new story in the form of photography, I’ve arranged five photos into the shape of a cross. The window is located in the center. The bird is off to the left and the car is off to the right. The clock is at the top and the man walking with an umbrella is at the bottom, below the window and clock. We are seeing these images from Marlowe’s perspective as he sits alone in his room.
The viewer can put themselves into Marlowe’s world by both looking at the photos and reading the story. Some elements in the photos, such as the car, bird and clock are represented in the film and novel as well. If possible, it would be ideal to listen to the song “The Long Goodbye” written by John Williams when viewing this series.
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"The Long Goodbye" は1953年の Raymond Chandler の同名小説にインスパイアされた作品である。主人公は Philip Marlowe であり、1973年に Robert Altman によって映画化された際には Eliott Gould によって演じられた。
写真というフォーマットで新たなストーリーを作るに当たり、5枚の写真を十字に配置する事で小説・映画の写真化を試みた。窓が中央に配置され、その窓の左には室内の小鳥、右には部屋の外の道路と車、上を見上げれば時計があり、下を覗けば歩道で傘をさした人が歩いている。これらは Marlowe の部屋から見えるであろう視界を再現したものである。
鑑賞者はこれらの写真を見つつ新たなストーリーを読む事によって、Marlowe が見ているであろう世界に身を置き疑似体験する事が出来る。幾つかの主題、車や小鳥などは同名映画・小説でも見られ、John Williams による同名映画の主題歌 "The Long Goodbye" を聞きながら作品を鑑賞する事により、より世界に入り込む事が出来る。
Opus Number
1/5 - 20150816-1
2/5 - 20150720-2
3/5 - 20150714-1
4/5 - 20150122-1
5/5 - 20150812-1
MAT 2015 Special Edition
- 508 x 285 x 13 mm
- Pictorico Gekko Silver Label, on 13mm Gatorform Board
- Edition of 1
- Price - ask
MAT 2015 Special Edition
- 508 x 298 x 13 mm
- Pictorico Gekko Silver Label, on 13mm Gatorform Board
- Edition of 1
- Price - ask
MAT 2015 Special Edition
- 508 x 287 x 13 mm
- Pictorico Gekko Silver Label, on 13mm Gatorform Board
- Edition of 1
- Price - ask
MAT 2015 Special Edition
- 508 x 282 x 13 mm
- Pictorico Gekko Silver Label, on 13mm Gatorform Board
- Edition of 1
- Price - ask
Santa Monica Art Studios Special Edition, for Solo Exhibition "Whispered Voice"
- 21" x 11.6"
- Deckled Edge
- Moab, Entrada Rag Bright 290, Giclée Printing
- Edition of 5
- Price - Edition 1 is sold out, the rest are not for sale.
- MAT 2015 Special Edition
- 508 x 283 x 13 mm
- Pictorico Gekko Silver Label, on 13mm Gatorform Board
- Edition of 1
- Price - ask
- Exhibited at "Whispered Voice", Santa Monica Art Studios, Santa Monica, U.S.A., 2016/4/9 - 5/7
- Exhibited at "RAW : an exploration of the unframed printLarge International Group Exhibit", Los Angeles, U.S.A., 2016/3/17 - 4/9
- Exhibited at HS-LAB & MAT - Mihara Arte en el Templo, Hiroshima, Japan, 27/11 - 2015/12/26
- Look on Flickr.