Now the shop for my books and items is opened at Stores for customer in Japan. On this shop, you could order my books and items I sold at my past exhibitions, also new book "From Another Room".
If you would like to purchase past book and items from abroad, please contact me here.
"From Another Room" is also available for Europe and US and other countries from here.
Stores にて、写真集やアイテムを購入出来るショップをオープン致しました。 過去に販売した写真集の他、新しい写真集 "From Another Room" の購入予約が可能です。
また、"From Another Room" をお買い求めで日本国外にお住まいの場合は、こちらより購入可能です。
Dai Ito Shop at Stores, for customers in Japan URL