Nov 7, 2018
Auction at "Annual Gala for the Alliance Française de Los Angeles"
4 photos of my work "Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy" are going to be at auction at the event "AF Annual Gala" on 10th November 2018, at...

Aug 26, 2018
"Center Forward 2018", at The Center for Fine Art Photography in Denver, USA
It's my pleasure to announce that I take part in a group exhibition "Center Forward 2018" at Downtown Artery, in Denver, USA, and ...

Jan 20, 2018
"Review Santa Fe Photo Festival, 2017", in Santa Fe, USA
Mainichi-Shinbun, 2017/9/23 It was great experience for me to take part in "Review Santa Fe Photo Festival 2017" as 1 of 100 selected...

Sep 26, 2017
Momentum Fine Art
I'm excited to announce that I'll share some of my works with Momentum Fine Art, a gallery based in Miami, USA. Momentum Fine Art has...

May 28, 2017
Group Exhibition "AVANT}{GARDEN" at Santa Monica, U.S.A.
I showed my new work "Simple Things" at Group Show "AVANT}{GARDEN" curated by Kio Griffith, presented by [TYPE], at ARENA 1, Santa...

Apr 14, 2017
The International Exposition of Contemporary Photography "Photo Independent" in Los Angele
I'm going to show my new works at "Photo Independent" at The Reef in Los Angeles, U.S.A., from 21st to 253rd April. Please come and...

Sep 20, 2016
Photo Festival "Marfa Open" at Marfa Texas, U.S.A.
My I'll exhibit my new works at a photo festival "Marfa Open" at Marfa, Texas, U.S.A. It's great honor to me to be invited and taking...

Jun 2, 2016
Written by Cynthia Lum on Examiner.com
LA Art Examiner Cynthia Lum has written an article about "Photo Independent - The International Exposition of Contemporary Photography"...

Apr 29, 2016
Photo Independent 2016
I'm taking part in "Photo Independent - The International Exposition of Contemporary Photography" the Art Photo Show from 29th April to...

Apr 3, 2016
Solo Exhibition "Whispered Voice", at The Hanger Gallery, Santa Monica Art Studios
My solo exhibition "Whispered Voice" starts at Hanger Gallery at Santa Monica Art Studios, Los Angeles, USA. From April 9 to May 7, 2016....

Mar 10, 2016
Exhibition "RAW: an exploration of the unframed print, Large International Group Exhibit"
Photo by Rex Bruce I'm going to exhibit one photo from my series "The Long Goodbye" at LACDA Los Angeles Center for Digital Arts in LA,...

Dec 20, 2015
12th Annual "Snap to Grid" at LACDA, Los Angles
Photo by Nick Terzich My works "The Gentle Rain" & "Drive" have been exhibited from 10th December 2015 to 2nd January 2016, at open...

Oct 4, 2015
International Photography Awards 2015
One of my work "Fundance" has received Honorable Mention, at International Photography Awards 2015. #USA #InternationalPhotographyAwards...

May 18, 2015
A Celebration of Art and Music
I’m excited to announce “A Celebration of Art and Music” to you, related to "The Billboard Creative" in Hollywood that I participated few...

Apr 20, 2015
The Billboard Creative, Q1 Show
My photograph "The Shadow of Your Tenderness" is selected by "The Billboard Creative" in Los Angeles, and is going to be exhibitted in...