Sep 26, 2017

"Pairing : Art & Sake", at Roppongi Art Night

Mainichi-Shinbun, 2017/9/23

On coming 30th September 2017, as a part of an art event " Roppongi Art Night" in Tokyo, I'm going to take part in a group show "PARING : ART & SAKE". Sake sommelier Kaori Matsui selects 10 Sake for 10 artists' work, you could taste it with watching 10 art works! The show itself starts from 26th September to 1st October, and you could try various Sake at the party on 30th September


Exhibition Title

"Pairing : Art & Sake"

Curated by

Kaori Matsui


Presented by

Gallery Lara Tokyo

Featuring Artists

Sachiko Itagaki     板垣幸子

Yayoi Itami        伊丹弥生

Dai Ito         ダイ・イトウ

Kio Griffith       キオ・グリフィス

Chiaki Saito       齋藤千明

Tomoaki Sato      佐藤智明

Norio Taniguchi     谷口典央

Haruna Niya       二井矢春菜

Takuma Nishiya     西谷拓磨

Ayumi Yokota      横田亜弓


Sake Breweries Corporations

"u yoshidagura" 山廃純米     株式会社 吉田酒造店
"三日踊" 純米吟醸        中谷酒造 株式会社

"山丹正宗 しずく媛" 純米吟醸   株式会社 八木酒造部
"うとうと" 純米酒        株式会社 森國酒造

"桃色黒とんぼ" 生酛・純米酒   泉橋酒造 株式会社

Sake Seller Corporation
Ji Sakeya(ジ・サケヤ


-Address  #605, 7-5-11 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, JAPAN

-Tell    +81-3-3403-8690



- 2017/9/26 -10/1

Paring Sake Tasting Event

-2017/9/30 Sat  : 17:00 - 22:00

Public Hours

Wed - Sat     : 12:00 -19:00


- Gallery Lara Tokyo

Facebook Page

- Gallery Lara Tokyo

#DaiIto #Tokyo #Japan #Sake #Art #GalleryLaraTokyo #Roppongi #RoppongiArtNight #KaoriMatsui #SachikoItagaki #YayoiItami #KioGriffith #ChiakiSaito #TomoakiSato #NorioTaniguchi #HarunaNiya #TakumaNishiya #AyumiYokota #吉田酒造店 #中谷酒造 #八木酒造部 #森國酒造 #泉橋酒造 #uyoshidagura #三日踊 #山丹正宗 #しずく媛 #うとうと #桃色黒とんぼ #ジサケヤ #MainichiShinbun